{"pageProps":{"whoWeAre":{"subtitle":"About us","paragraph":[{"html":"

The Purple companies bring innovations to the world of finance. The founders have always had the vision of building fintech businesses that make people's life easier and with the help of our great purple team, we bring our own business ideas to life such as Purple Technology or forex brokerages and support new fintech startup ventures.


We love to work with people who possess drive and energy; who want to challenge themselves, and above all, who genuinely wish to share our values of freedom, fairness and friendliness.


We love to see these values projected into our Purple Foundation and are happy to say that we are helping to make life easier for people outside of the company as well. To find out more about Purple Holding and Purple Technology, visit our websites:



"}]},"ourTeam":{"subtitle":"The key Purple people responsible for running the foundation are these:","paragraph":[]},"principles":[{"principleName":"Local","principleText":{"text":"We want to start helping locally and then spread the support further. At the beginning, we are opting for people and organizations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and wish to help in Europe and perhaps worldwide in the future."}},{"principleName":"Shared","principleText":{"text":"We make the choices together as a company. The foundation is represented by a committee of a few, but the incentives and ideas on whom to help come from all of us."}},{"principleName":"Equality","principleText":{"text":"We focus on society. We understand that in life, your skills and talents might get you far, but if your circumstances are unfortunate, you might not get a chance to use them. We are here to enhance the equality of opportunities."}},{"principleName":"Varied","principleText":{"text":"Variety is what we aim for. We do not wish to support only one or two particular types of projects. We try keep an open mind and look out for those in need of urgent help, wherever they might come from."}},{"principleName":"Hand-picked","principleText":{"text":"We do our research and opt for official organizations with transparent financing, in an urgent need of help and a long-lasting impact."}}],"teamMembers":[{"name":"Jakub Nytra","picture":{"url":"https://media.graphassets.com/9swEt2TDORyvk7Xu0JQU"},"memberDescription":{"text":"An entrepreneur who has participated in establishing several successful companies with clients and partners all around the world. He has decided to start the Purple Foundation to lend a helping hand to people and organizations that in need of help, or directly helping others. "}},{"name":"Filip Řehoř","picture":{"url":"https://media.graphassets.com/lJROchUhRQOfJuzguvNc"},"memberDescription":{"text":"From the moment Filip and his colleagues co-founded our group of companies, the well being of everyone in the group was the most important thing to him. He believes that through establishing and supporting the right businesses and people behind them, a much better environment for many is created. Filip is happy that through Purple Foundation we can help people outside of the group that need our help much more."}},{"name":"Dana Ševčíková","picture":{"url":"https://media.graphassets.com/prwBvQS5QIaup4OzDdTl"},"memberDescription":{"text":"A true charity enthusiast with a soft spot for everything vulnerable, she has participated in numerous charity and volunteering projects from helping animal shelters, sewing toys for deserted cats and dogs, working at an injured animal station and trying to persuade everyone in sight to recycle."}},{"name":"Krištof Heger","picture":{"url":"https://media.graphassets.com/WH4h22d6ReC8xaUhBqdl"},"memberDescription":{"text":"A creative, responsible and humble person always willing to lend a helping hand to people who deserve it and help them no matter the circumstances. Very passionate about finding new ways and approaches to help others along with making their life situation better. Proud to be a part of Purple Foundation where his philanthropist nature meets the right people in order to make our world a better place."}}]},"__N_SSG":true}