2021 in Purple Foundation

2021 in Purple Foundation was a busy year, full of changes, upgrades, wonderful projects and cooperation with our Purple team colleagues. We managed to divide an amazing sum of 5 089 085 Kč (€207 945). Wondering which projects we decided to support this year? Check them out below and send us an email on info@purple-foundation.com in case you know of any other projects worth supporting!

Linka bezpečí, z.s.

Sum donated: 50 000 Kč (€20 041)

Linka bezpečí is a helpline for children, parents, grandparents or educators that need help but cannot or are afraid to find it in their immediate environment. Approximately 400 children reach out to the helpline daily. 

The purpose of our donation is supporting production of videos - a form of passive counselling that serves as a first aid when a child cannot or  does not want to call the helpline while dealing with one of the addressed topics. The sum covers the costs of the agency which implements the video project; and salaries of the employees of the helpline who carry out this agenda beyond their usual workload.

Find out more here.

Dětská Nemocnice Brno

Sum donated: 56 680 Kč (€2314)

The wonderful doctors from the Clinical psychology and psychiatry ward at Dětská Nemocnice Brno have started using a brand new Bayley Scale we helped them purchase. The scales are developed to help identify babies and children with developmental delays (i.e. autism) early on and helps assess the five key developmental domains of cognition, language, social-emotional, motor and adaptive behaviour.

We hope the tool helps as many children and families as possible and makes the amazing work of the department easier! 

Find out more here.

Bayley Scales
Bayley Scales

Fakultní Nemocnice Brno

Sum donated: 412 247 Kč (€16 831)

Let me use this space to thank all the amazing collectives of doctors, nurses and the rest of the hard-working staff in our hospitals - they have been dealing with the pandemic for two years now on top of their regular work and we are so grateful for their services! This is the reason we dedicate a large sum of our budget to hospitals every year. 

As all the hospitals deserve to have all the help to take care of their patients available, we decided to purchase four plasma-based air disinfectant machines for the hospital, helping across several wards. 

Find out more here.

Klub svobodných matek z.s.

Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

The organization provides financial, material and professional legal assistance to single families. In their helping programs, they aid with food and housing costs, pay for children's lunches in kindergartens and schools, summer camps and Christmas presents. They cooperate with field social workers, shelters and branches of the Labor Office.

Our sum will support single-parent families and the Fashion Charity Shop of the organization. 

Find out more here.

Program BUDDY

Sum donated: 120 000 Kč (€4899)

The program provides support to children who cannot grow up in their families. BUDDY employees seek, select and connect volunteers with children from social or foster care. Each child is paired with a volunteer who is offering their time, support, helping hand and guidance. 

The sum was used for a recruitment campaign to find new volunteers.

Find out more here.

Janus, z. s.

Sum donated: 296 000 Kč (€12 085)

Janus is an organization helping children and young adults leaving institutional care start their adult life - be it help with accommodation, work, finances, or mental health. 

The sum is partially financing the annual lease of the client center which is the background for attendance (outpatient) services and partially financing supervision service which provides care for maintaining the mental health of employees, prevention of burnout and ensuring professionalism and quality of services to clients.

Find out more here.

Nový Prostor, o.s.

Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

An organization giving people without their own homes a chance to get back on their feet and teach them employment skills through selling a quality magazine. 

Our financial contribution supports their new project aimed at professionalization and career advancement of the retailers (introduction of payment terminals at retail outlets, equipment such as work vests, bags on wheels to facilitate the carrying of magazines and incentive rewards in the form of trade vouchers, transport allowances, etc.). The current salespeople will also be employed as instructors to train new employees. 

Find out more here.

Impulz, o.z.

Sum donated: 25 000 Kč (€1023)

Part of organization's mission is to try to bridge the world of people with mental disabilities with the world of mainstream society in a natural way. They train their clients in various skills and employ them in their workshops.

The sum will help with material and technical equipment of the workshop, so that the association can continue its operation and thus secure the work of the employees of the workshop.  The bought material will be stearin (material for making candles), new molds, wicks, and similar equipment. If you are looking for some cute gifts for your loved ones, make sure to check their e-shop!

Find out more here.

Impulz workshop products
Impulz workshop products

Mezi námi, o.p.s.

Sum donated: 245 000 Kč (€10 003)

We have been supporting the organization's reading program Přečti between seniors and kindergarten children for three years and enabled them to start connecting these two age groups in Brno and create a social platform beneficial for all the people involved .

Our contribution will help the organization run the program in Brno for another year. In 2021, they even started cooperating with MUNI Volunteer center who are helping them recruit more Fairytale grandmas and grandpas!

Find out more here.

Fairytale grandpa Jirka with his class
Fairytale grandpa Jirka with his class

Zajíček na koni, o.p.s.

Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

Walking alongside the riverside of Vltava in Prague, why not get some coffee at a café that helps people with a handicap get employed! Purple Foundation is a proud supporter of Café AdAstra, a lovely eatery run by organization Zajíček na koni, o.p.s. The 39 employees with a handicap work in the kitchen, behind the bar and as waiters. 

The gift from the Foundation helps them pay the salaries of disabled people and their assistants, purchase material for their e-shop products and promote the organization on social networks. 

Find out more here.

Café AdAstra
Café AdAstra

ParaCENTRUM Fenix, z. s.

Sum donated: 165 500 Kč (€6757)

The organization helps spinal cord-injured (SCI) people and their families make a safe return to an active life and they have been our trusted partner organization for a long time.

The Foundation has decided to support their client rehabilitation program. Kudos to every person working for Fenix that creates a safe space that is there for people in need! 

You might recognize Mr Náhlík in the picture - he was the one who visited us in 2020 and offered a wonderful EDU Session sharing his life story.

Find out more here.

Mr Náhlík from FENIX
Mr Náhlík from FENIX

Cesta domů, z.ú.

Sum donated: 200 000 Kč (€8166)

So many people deal with the need to take care of their terminally ill relatives and loved ones and they are definitely a group of those who need help. Therefore, we decided to support the home hospice Cesta domů, z.ú. that focuses on the often taboo theme of dying. It is a group of professionals who provide education on the topic, lend the tools needed to care for the long-term sick at home and run the hospice and community center themselves. 

This time, our donation helped them cover labour costs, protective equipment and publishing activities. 

Find out more here.

Charity shop
Charity shop

SOS dětské vesničky, z.s.

Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

We are so happy to support the amazing organization SOS Dětské vesničky! They help children at risk and their families, providing anything from food and other everyday necessities, psychological and social help to organizing summer camps. 

Helping these families means preparing the children for their future and offering them possibilities for their growth, education and happiness. Our donation covers the financial costs of psychological counseling for children and parents from foster families. 

Find out more here.

Dům pro Julii, z.ú.

Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

Taking care of and dealing with the loss of a terminally ill child is something unimaginable for most of us but, unfortunately, there are families for whom this situation is a reality.

We have have been supporting the organization for years and this time, our contribution supported financing of field social, therapeutic and other services in families who are clients of the organization.

Their stuff are doing such a wonderful and difficult job - not only are the children taken care of, the organization also navigates the tough process of dealing with and mourning the loss for the family. 

Find out more here.

Architects' design of the new hospice
Architects' design of the new hospice

Richard levie srdce, o.z.

Sum donated: 47 729 Kč (€1950)

Riško Fidluš is the sweetest little boy with a diagnosed congenital myasthenic syndrome. He spent a large portion of the year breathing only through a tracheostomy cannula and after its removal, he needed to complete a two-week recovery stay at the Hendi rehabilitation center in Piešťany, Slovakia.

We managed to help his family finance the stay where he was be offered a program focused on children with neurological disorders. 

Find out more here.

Riško & his mum
Riško & his mum

Auto na joystick

Sum donated: 50 000 Kč (€2043)

We are happy to support innovative projects and ideas that might help tons of people in the long run. Such is the projects Joystick car realized by Róbert Balušík. 

The output of the project is adaptation of a car to driving with a joystick instead of a steering wheel for physically handicapped people. The modification of the car will also provide best practices to the target group, ensure homologation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the car will be lent to a driving school in the Czech Republic for the possibility of physically disabled people to obtain a driver's license for such type of a car. We are looking forward to seeing the future and success of this project! 

Find out more here.

Mr Balušík using the joystick-adjusted car
Mr Balušík using the joystick-adjusted car

yourchance, o.p.s.

Sum donated: 470 000 Kč (€19 189)

The program of the organization called Start Right (Začni Správně) helps young people from social or foster care to stand on their own two feet after leaving the care and be able to live a full and independent life. The financial contribution will be used to cover the remuneration of staff working as coordinators in the regions. This activity is a key aid for young people who do not have another trustworthy person with whom to deal with issues related to the start of independent living.

Find out more here.

Workshop at Začni správně
Workshop at Začni správně

Společnost E

Sum donated: 114 000 Kč (€4654)

An organization that has been supporting people with epilepsy since 1990 and their main goal is integrating them into society. They have established their own workshop Aranžérie, where they employ them and create beautiful flower decorations and arrangements.

We have decided to support the organization by purchasing a car that helps them deliver their decorations and also managed to support the workshop itself. Furthermore, our contribution helped them complete a new e-shop

Find out more here.

Working hard or hardly working? Moss workshop with Společnost E
Working hard or hardly working? Moss workshop with Společnost E

Základní škola Otrokovice, Komenského

Sum donated: 55 275 Kč (€2277)

ZŠ Komenského is an extraordinary school teaching pupils with mental or physical disabilities. Its aim is to equip students with basic knowledge, skills and habits needed to achieve the maximum possible degree of independence and social integration according to their physical and mental abilities. When finished, students can apply in the field of social services, for example in a sheltered workplace or social therapy workshops. 

Our financial contribution will support the motor and sensory perception of pupils by purchasing the tools for equipping their activity room, such as a swing, trampoline, slide, etc.

Find out more here.

Kids from ZŠ Komenského with their new slide
Kids from ZŠ Komenského with their new slide

Společnost pro ranou péči, pobočka Brno

Sum donated: 30 000 Kč (€1225)

The organization helps families with children who are born with a disability or endangered development - the parents are then more ready and comfortable in their kids' upbringing. 

The contribution was used for design and custom production of stimulating aids for the development of vision or other senses and the overall support of psychomotor development of the children. 

Find out more here.

New visual aids for kids from Raná péče
New visual aids for kids from Raná péče

Ježiškova Vnoučata

Sum donated: 35 000 Kč (€1430)

What a beautiful project to support!

The purpose of the donation is financial support for the Santa Claus' grandchildren project of the Czech Radio Endowment Fund. The aim is to meet the wishes of seniors in Czech retirement homes, hospitals and specialized centers who, for whatever reason, have lost the interest of their own families and, in addition to attention and experience, also lack material things. You can also help by purchasing or sending gifts of your choosing - oftentimes they are little things that will make the elderly really happy!

Find out more here.

Liga vozíčkářů z. ú.

Sum donated: 120 000 Kč (€4899)

Just like paraCENTRUM Fenix, Liga vozíčkářů is taking care of wheelchair users. 

This time, our contribution supported their Sheltered Housing project, specifically adaptation of their flat for sheltered housing for persons with severe physical and combined disabilities in Brno. Sheltered housing is an intermediate stage between trying to live independently in a training apartment and completely independent living with the use of field social services. This model gives people a chance to live as independently as possible outside of institutional care. 

Find out more here.

Design of the new training flat
Design of the new training flat

Člověk v tísni, o. p. s.

Sum donated: 500 000 Kč (€20 414)

Not only are we in Purple Foundation trying to help proactively, we are also working on our reactive and immediate help, which meant discussing helping people affected by the tornado in South Moravia in June as soon as possible. We were happy to have been able to send 500 000 Kč to Člověk v tísni (an organization helping people in need) to make it easier to cope with the aftermath. 

We are still  in awe of the extent of voluntary help - the human empathy shown after the tornado was much stronger than we could have expected! 

Find out more here.

Helping at the site of the tornado aftermath
Helping at the site of the tornado aftermath


Sum donated: 100 000 Kč (€4083)

According to our Purple values, we hand-pick individual, local projects that we feel happy to support.

There is one amazing exception, though, and that has been from the very start Dobrý Anděl, an organization who helps families affected by serious illnesses. Our financial support of the organization has already improved lives of 140 families and counting! We are 100% sure that they will make an informed decision and divide the money fairly among families who need it the most. 

Find out more here.

Hospic sv. Alžběty o.p.s.

Sum donated: 50 000 Kč (€2043)

"I'm not exaggerating when I say I couldn't have picked a better place. They are doing an excellent job taking care of me under more than favorable economic conditions." These are the words of one of the patients in Hospic sv. Alžběty in Brno taking care of 400 patients a year.

This time, our donation supported the improvement of facilities for the stay of immobile patients in the hospice and facilities for people with reduced self-sufficiency - completion of the residential part of the garden, pergola equipment, garden furniture, parasols on terraces and replenishment of existing greenery for meetings of patients with their loved ones. 

Find out more here.

New wing design
New wing design


 See what we were up to in 2021 below! 

Purple team at Schizandra
Purple team at Schizandra

Sant Egidio community & SOS dětské vesničky charity collection 

As is our yearly tradition, the Purple group have joined forces and supported two organizations - Sant Egidio Community who are collecting  necessary items for homeless people, such as tinned food, hygiene items, clothes, sleeping bags, duvets, etc. and SOS Vesničky - an organization supporting children and families from socially disadvantaged environment. We managed to collect plenty of items for their day-to-day lives as well as arts & crafts materials for the children summer camp.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined in and supported our collections!

Find out more here (Sant Egidio) and here (SOS Vesničky).

Schizandra garden

Add a number of crafty colleagues, a good cause and a great organization team and you have a perfect recipe for a teambuilding!  

This year, we helped with finishing touches at the Schizandra garden of Práh jižní Morava, z.ú. where people with schizophrenia meet up, have workshops and therapy sessions and much more. It was our third and last time at the venue, as it is all done and ready to be serving those who need it soon! 

A huge thank you goes to Dobrokar for organizing this event for us and we will be on a lookout for a project where we can help hands-on in 2022. If you scrolled until this picture, send an email to info@purple.foundation.com with the password "Schizandra," the first person to do so wins a little present from PuFo.

Find out more here.

Such muscle!
Such muscle!

Run for Hospic sv. Alžběty, Brno

The run for Hospic sv. Alžběty is slowly becoming our tradition and this year, our Purple team grew a bit and welcomed two young sportspeople - they proudly ran their 600 m in their prams, while the adults section managed to crush their 5.7 and 11.4 km runs like it was nobody's business! 

Thank you all for participating and thus helping the hospice build their new wing - it will give the hospice enough space for a daily care unit where families of terminally ill patients can place their beloved and run errands or enjoy some much-needed time off while their loved ones are being taken care of by professionals. 

Find out more here.

Purple team
Purple team


To our amazing Purple team. Without their hard work and dedication they show every day, none of this would be even remotely possible. 

Let´s see what 2022 brings!


Your Purple Foundation team

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